A Fit For Life Mindset

The new year is such an exciting yet tough time in the fitness world. Challenges. Resolutions. Resets. Goals. Whatever you want to call it, somehow there is extra pressure to kick “bad habits” to the curb and embark on a newfound journey to a healthier version of you.


Now, if you have some solid and realistic fitness and wellness goals set for this year, this post is not intended to make you want to scrap them. Go ahead with your bad-ass self and get after it! But, if you’re struggling because specific goals don’t feel right, or you feel pressure to create resolutions out of thin air, then read along, my friends!

We’ve all been burnt out by a resolution that wasn’t right for us. And if your focus is to live a healthy and fit lifestyle, I recommend a change in mindset, instead of a laundry list of goals. Like I said before, goals can be great, but just because it’s January, doesn’t mean you need to follow the crowd on challenges, resets, cleanses, etc. if they don’t feel right for you. These can be a good kickstart to a healthier routine, but it’s not for everyone.

This past year, I made a commitment to have a focus on prioritizing my health. And it worked better than any resolution or goal I’ve set before. Here’s why.


First and foremost, ask yourself what you really want to achieve and why. It’s easy to toss out a number and say, “If I lose 5 lbs then I will be happier….healthier….will fit in those jeans in the back of my closet…..etc”. I challenge you to ask yourself, is seeing that number on the scale really what will make you happier? Why 5 lbs? What is so magical about 5 lbs less of you?

INSTEAD, I challenge you to envision a happier healthier version of you without a number of the scale. What does that look like? How does your workout schedule fit in? How does your nutrition fit in?

For me, reminding myself that I want to (and deserve to) prioritize my fitness and wellness is my mindset. That’s instead of committing to a specific “regimen” that sometimes can result in frustration and stress when life gets in the way. My mindset gives me the flexibility to adjust and modify, while too many limits or too much structure can be harder to maintain. For example, instead of saying I have to workout 4 times a week on certain days and certain times, I choose to prioritize time for working out throughout my week. This way gives me more flexibility to adjust my schedule and listen to my body. I don’t force a workout when I’m not recovered, and as long as I ensure to stay committed to working out, my workouts happen either way. Similarly, with nutrition, it’s not an all or nothing approach. When I plan what I am going to eat, I stay mindful of how I want to feel and what fuels my body best. This makes it more natural for me to choose foods and meals that nourish my body, and leaves room for indulgences too.


Find pleasure in the process and/or the result.

We aren’t cleaning out your fitness and athleisure drawers. But this concept rings true for your day-to-day. Your satisfaction with prioritizing a healthy and happy lifestyle is key to maintenance and success. I am not saying that leading a healthy lifestyle is sunshine and rainbows all the time. There will be discomfort at times, you’ll have to make choices over temptations and some days you may fall off the wagon. This is life, we are human and it’s why having the right mindset will keep you on track and ready to handle tougher situations.

BUT, if you curate your fitness and wellness decisions to include things you enjoy, you are setting yourself up for success. It doesn’t have to be the toughest workout. It doesn’t have to be a personal best every single time (although it’s awesome seeing results). It’s about recognizing the joy in the process and tuning into how caring for yourself just feels good.


Maybe it’s pride. Maybe it’s a compliment. Maybe it’s proving to yourself that you can overcome a challenge. Maybe it’s seeing progress. Maybe it’s feeling more love and respect for your body.

Make an effort to recognize these small moments each day. They happen. And they happen more often the more you prioritize your wellness.

Here’s some examples:

  • One night you get to bed early and you wake up refreshed. Take a moment to connect with that feeling. You’ll remember it next time and be motivated to do it again.

  • You went to your favorite class (at Ascend, duh!) and you crushed that drill on the bike. In that fleeting moment, recognize that sense of confidence, remember how good it feels. You’ll be ready to get after it again the next time you clip in.


The healthiest choices are not always the easiest choices. They also might not be what we feel like we want in the moment. But when you begin to incorporate a positive mindset towards your own wellness, the choices become easier. Sometimes the choice might be the less healthy choice. Other times, the easier choice will naturally be what’s best for you. Remember that life is not black and white. There is no right and wrong - this is about moderation and choosing to treat your body with respect. It’s about prioritizing your health, just as much as you prioritize all the other important elements in your life. When you commit to that, the choices and the answers all start to come more naturally.

And along with that, the results will follow. Sounds nice right? It’s happened for me and I know it can for you too.

And if you need help, the Ascend Fam is here for you. Between our rides, our lift lab, health coaching and personal training, we have a lot of expertise and resources. Reach out to me and I can be your guide! Cheers to a healthier and happier version of you. Let’s be unstoppable this year.

